
Derek has threaded his way through the maze of issues on the ministy and leadership of women to come to nuanced conclusion that avoid either the egalitarian or the complementarian p;oles of the discussion for a third possibility, an eschatological or inaugurated reading of the texts. He dances judiciously through the minefield, showing that easy back-and-white answers are insufficient to take int account all the data and issus. His solution will satisfy many, and should show al but the most prejudiced that he has done his homework. His answers are reasonable, even if thee are still unanswered questions and issues about which you might disagree. I recommend this work. It will introduce you to the complexity of the issues and encourage you to draw your own conclusions. It will also serve as a model for dealing with other difficult issues.

Peter Davids
Professor of Biblical Theology, St. Stephen’s University, Canada

Derek has given us a work both scholarly and yet well within reach; clear and articulate, and in many ways fearless. He offers sometimes novel conclusions, in light of eschatological kingdom theology. As ever, his respect for the biblical text remains paramount. He wonderfully reduces difficult arguments to their essence, making them more than accessible to the common man, or indeed, woman!

Eleanor Mumford
National leader, Association of Vineyard Churches, UK & Ireland

Derek works from a kingdom perspective to pioneer a fresh answer to the question regarding what roles women can fill in the church. Different but Equal is a valuable contribution to the ongoing dialogue to understand what difference a kingdom hermeneutic and theology makes ot this vital concern.

Berten A Waggoner
National Director, Vineyard USA

Different but Equal poses the question: Can women exercise any leadership role in the church today, including eldership? Derek Morphew explores the dialogue between feminism and theology as one of the issues of our time. He examines both the complementarian position on gender and the alternative, evangelical egalitarianism.

Table Of Contents


1. Overview of Biblical Texts and Context

2. Creation-based Inaugurated Equality

3. The Being of God and Gender

4. Creation

5. Eschatology

